Night cream day dream
As a caregiver, I loved watching and helping men and women in the daily activities of living. One of the things the majority of the ladies did was nightly put cold cream on their faces. I encountered several times, the ladies with super soft and fairly wrinkle free skin were the ones putting cold cream on their faces night and day. I even had a resident who would put it on, then her makeup before every single meal then before bed! What the heck?! Why was I never told of this ritual as a growing girl? Did my mom's generation not do this?! And why not? My mom always was putting baby oil on before going outside. It smelled good and she was always tan. Now, my mom is not even old enough to have wrinkles yet so I do not know if she will or not. But, she did use lotions as well. I just don't remember a face cream. This may be soley because I was a child and not helping my mom in her daily routines. So, anyhow, I have begun to get that typical women's wrinkle at the v-line of my shirts. Yes, the cleavage! sigh..... So, I begin to think should get myself some anti-wrinkle cream for the face and cleavage. As I am looking at some in my Pharmacy that I work at, I ask about some of these ingredients. Some, most, aggravate the skin to make it swell and hence give the appearance of no wrinkles. Uh, no thanks. And others actually have onion juice! Well that is out of the question! I am not about to slather my body in my worse allergy! To the drawing board and herb books I go. This is not an easy, or quick process. I could just look it up on Pinterest and make whatever someone else has made, but I don't want to do that. I want to make my own decisions about what I put on my body, and research the proper plants to use for the result I want. I want it to smell good, like none other. I want it to protect me from the sun. I want it to help encourage new cell growth. I want it to fight off any bacteria on my face that may cause a future problem, I get a pimple maybe 3 times a year. I want it to make me feel good about what I am putting on my body and down my drain in the shower as some may wash off in the morning. Since I already make sunblock, I know I want to use shea butter as my base, and add carrot seed oil as it has an spf benefit and also collagen-bosting vitamin C!
Here goes,
Shea Butter is filled with vitamin A and E. Also rich in fatty acids which aids in clearing the skin of excess oil.
Camellia oil (is scentless) rich in several fatty acids as well as antioxidants.
Carrot seed oil has vitamin A,C, and E. Vitamin A is skin mending, Vitamin C boosts collagen, and Vitamin E is moisturising, and also is used in the aid of repairing sundamage and scars.
Lavender oil, yum, helps lessen acne as a bacteria fighter, as an anti-inflammatory it reduces wrinkles. Along with being antimicrobial and antifungal. Lavender also reduces stress and anxiety, which we all can benefit from at night.
Geranium oil, anoter yummy smelling oil, is antibacterial, antimicrobial, and antiseptic all making it great for reducing acne breakouts, skin irritations, and skin infections.
Rosemary oil hydrates the skin, which helps oil production. It also provides and antibicterial action to again, help fight acne. It's antseptic properties help with eczema problems, which I believe I still do
And aloe vera helps soothe sunburn, moisturize the skin, and contains antioxidants, minerals, and amino acids. When used too much, it can have the opposite affect that you desire. I didn't add a bunch, so we are good.
So this is my baseline. These are the things I want to use to help me not get old too fast. I have an idea of ratios, but my first run was a bit hard, my second run was too wet and a bit grity, and my third run was pretty okay. It takes practice. It takes fails. But in due time, you can create a great product. I ended up with this equation and may chang it in the future, but feel free to try it out yourself, maybe add something else, or leave out something. make it your own. I'd love to hear feedback, on any of my blogthoughts. Share your story. Show me something you've done of mine or of your own.
3/4 cup shea butter and 1/4 cup coconut oil melted slowly in a double boiler. Vigorously whisk in 3-4 TBS total of a mixture of essential oils I mentioned above and 3 TBS of aloe vera. I use and electric hand wand. Pour into container of choice and use nightly.
I hand whisked the shea as it melted.
Then poured it into a bowl to super whisk.
It took several hours to solidify. And yes, it looks not totally incorporated, but hey, I am human, not machine. Also, natural products are not going to be like store bought, kinda the point.
I am not afraid to show you my 44 year old almost old lady chest skin. This is it the day before I started the cream. Much damage has already been done to my skin, I just may not be able to see it. I imagine it won't change. My goal is to prevent any future problems I may have come across. And maybe, just maybe I will have beautiful, wrinkle free, old lady face skin and can pass this along to men and women who also want to take better care, with better ingredients. By the way, I did not make all th essential oils for this cream. I had to buy the camellia and carrot seed oils. And that is okay. Just try to get the best product you can. Research the company, the process, the ingredients.
And as always,
Keep brewing, keep cooking, and most of all keep healing,
Have a happy and healthy day,
Do your best, even when you don't want to
UPDATE I changed things up, I whipped up a new batch. While it was cooling I poured it into a jar and added 1TBS arrowroot powder and began whipping it every 30 minutes with my immersion whisk, until it solidified. I then whipped it once more and I must say I am well pleased.
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